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Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Travelog and Me

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There are times when you need a great escape from your nothing but hectic life. Ever since I got my pay raise, life seems a little bit more on the stress side. Some people release stress by smoking, some punches stuffs, and there are also some who eats a lot of ice-cream. But me, I drive. Travelling is fun alone but it does not hurt to travel with friends. Good to know I got friends who loves to travel with me.

Beaches, highlands, parks, events, you name it, I won't mind driving regardless the distance. And yes, with the existence of great camera capabilities on the smartphone, no moments are spared not being captured. There will be days when the weather is not on my side, but good days are hard to be missed either. Travelling, seeing new faces, seeing a new green, tasting new foods, breathing a new scent. Nothing beats a peace of mind. Alhamdulillah, this world is still huge for me to travel around.

Travelling requires money. Travelling causing happiness is evidence of money as root of all great things. Preparations, plans, participants. The 3 P's which can affect the outcome of a journey. I don't know about you but with good intentions and God's will, travelling is not that hard.

See the world around you. Allow yourself to immerse in the beauty of each destination. Learn and record these historic moments you may never look at again only to share with those who appreciates your journey. Go to the furthest mountain and back again, tell me life is no longer the same with you.

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I am a guy who thinks that I am always right, a pious guy. But fate has determined that I need to be guided back from wherever I left, that God needs to save before I die.


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